The ceremony for the Talented Young Italians (TYI) Award 2023, at its tenth edition, was held on Thursday 7th December 2023 hosted by the Italian Embassy in London. As for the most recent occasions of the Awards this edition was organised by the Talented Italians in the UK Association that includes all the past winners and by the Italian Chamber of Commerce for the UK. In the light of awarding the Talents of "Sistema Italia", this year the ceremony was dedicated not only to the "TYI 2023", but also "Italy Made Me 2023", "Il Circolo Youth Mental Health Award 2023" and "Paravani-Mellinghoff Award". Winners of TYI past editions and other prominent personalities of the Italian community in Great Britain joined the ceremony.
The winners of the 2023 Talent Young Italians (TYI) Award edition are: Eleonora Chiarella, Martina Bet, Gianluca Avagnina for the category Media and Communication & Charity, Donato Boccardi and Stefania Signorelli for the category Finance and Services, Matteo Augello and Piero Tomassoni for the category Arts&Culture and Flavio Mondello Malvestiti for the category Industry and Commerce. The judges of the selecting committee was composed of Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Brunello Rosa, Enrico Franceschini, Roberto Buizza, Lucia Savi e Richard Gadeselli.
The winners distinguished themselves for the results obtained in their respective professional fields, in which they must have reached important positions before the age of 40, and must have contributed to maintaining and developing relations between Italy and the UK. On this occasion, the selecting committee chose to reward professionals who had already achieved relevant results at the age of 40 together with others, younger, but already extremely well underway in their professional career.
Giovedì 7 Dicembre 2023 si è tenuta la cerimonia di premiazione dei Talented Young Italians per l’anno 2023, giunta ormai alla sua decime edizione. Come nelle più recenti edizioni, anche questa è stata organizzata dall' Associazione Talented Italians in the UK che riunisce i vincitori del premio TYI delle passate edizioni insieme ad altre personalità di spicco della comunità italiana in Gran Bretagna e dalla Camera di Commercio Italiana in UK. Con l'idea di riunire in una unica cerimonia i Talenti del "Sistema Italia", durante lo stesso evento sono stati assegnati i premi, oltre al "TYI 2023", anche a "Italy Made Me 2023", "Il Circolo Youth Mental Health Award 2023" and "Paravani-Mellinghoff Award".
I vincitori di quest’anno sono stati Eleonora Chiarella, Martina Bet, Gianluca Avagnina per la categoria Media and Communication & Charity, Donato Boccardi e Stefania Signorelli per la categoria Finanza e Servizi, Matteo Augello e Piero Tomassoni per la categoria Arte e Cultura e Flavio Mondello Malvestiti per la categoria Industria e Commercio.
La giuria era composta da Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Brunello Rosa, Enrico Franceschini, Roberto Buizza, Lucia Savi e Richard Gadeselli.
I vincitori si sono distinti per i risultati ottenuti nei rispettivi ambiti professionali, in cui devono aver raggiunto posizioni di rilievo entro i 40 anni, ed aver contribuito a mantenere e sviluppare i rapporti tra Italia e UK. In questa occasione i giurati hanno scelto di premiare professionisti che avevano già ottenuto risultati rilevanti alla soglia dei 40 anni insieme ad altri, più giovani, ma già estremamente ben avviati nel loro percorso professionale.
Charity - Media & Communication 2023: Eleonora Chiarella - Martina Bet - Gianluca Avagnina
Finance & Services 2023: Donato Boccardi - Stefania Signorelli
Industry & Commerce 2023: Flavio Mondello Malvestiti
Arts & Culture 2023: Matteo Augello - Piero Tomassoni
Charity - Media & Communication 2022: Stagni Virginia
Finance & Services 2022: Municchi Maria Paola - Tripoli Paolo - Viganò Giovanna
Industry & Commerce 2022: Savi Lucia - Vittiglio Alessandra
Research & Innovation 2022: Testa Andrea
Charity 2021: Venosa Olga
Finance & Services 2021: Marcheggiano Gilberto - Stanelli Federica
Industry & Commerce 2021: Bonaceto Andrea - Brutti-Righetti Flavia
Media & Communication 2021: Andretta Martina
Research & Innovation 2021: Ciliberto Carlo - Petrone Crescenzo
Charity 2020: Corinaldi Giulia
Finance & Services 2020: Macchiarelli Corrado
Industry & Commerce 2020: Ghebreab Sennait
Research & Innovation 2020: Longobardi Giorgia
Finance & Services 2019: Boldini Marco - Vaccino Stefano
Industry & Commerce 2019: Boccolini Francesca - Federico Isabella - Ferrara Simone
Media & Communication 2019: Casiraghi Luca - Pirolo Alessia
Research & Innovation 2019: Bianchi Giuseppe - Taticchi Paolo
Finance & Services 2018: De Negri Antonio - Donati Stefano - Zingariello Mina
Industry & Commerce 2018: Beretta Federica - De Leonibus Aldo - Melchiorri Luca
Media & Communication 2018: Barbaglia Pamela - Nardelli Alberto
Research & Innovation 2018: Aversa Paolo - Endrizzi Marco - Sergi Anna
Finance & Services 2017: Paci Giovanni - Strumia Francesca
Industry & Commerce 2017: Coccia Ludmilla - Lazzaroni Ivan
Media & Communication 2017: Bonomolo Alessandra - Sciorilli Borrelli Silvia
Research & Innovation 2017: Leonelli Sabina - Micheli Pietro
Finance & Services 2016: Gallo Alberto - Martellozzo Elena
Industry & Commerce 2016: Cimminelli Simone - Mariotti Elena
Media & Communication 2016: Vanuzzo Antonio - Zappulla Antonio
Research & Innovation 2016: Crescenzi Riccardo - Rodriguez Y Baena Ferdinando
Finance & Services 2015: Copper Raffaella - Morbidini Marco
Industry & Commerce 2015: Altieri-Douglas Marenza - Zecchino Andrea
Media & Communication 2015: Laqua Francine - Marinone Paola
Research & Innovation 2015: Campanella Michelangelo - Severini Simone
Finance & Services 2014: Gatta Camillo - Rosa Brunello
Industry & Commerce 2014: Falcone Claudia - Rossetti Tiziana
Media & Communication 2014: Giuliano Ferdinando - Serra Barbara
Research & Innovation 2014: Ciulli Alessio - Summa Giacomo
Grazie al continuo successo delle precedenti edizioni, l'Associazione Talenti Italiani nel Regno Unito, in partnership con la Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per il Regno Unito e in collaborazione con l'Ambasciata d'Italia a Londra, è lieta di annunciare la decima edizione dei Premi "Talenti Giovani Italiani".
L'obiettivo principale di questi premi è quello di mettere in luce italiani Under 40 che hanno ottenuto risultati significativi nel Regno Unito pur mantenendo un forte legame con l'Italia, favorendo così scambi significativi tra le due nazioni.
Il processo di candidatura sarà supervisionato dalla Camera di Commercio, con la collaborazione delle associazioni professionali e accademiche italiane nel Regno Unito e la partecipazione attiva della comunità italiana in generale.
Un'autorevole commissione di rappresentanti di alto livello, in rappresentanza di varie categorie di premi, sarà responsabile della selezione dei destinatari:
- Roberto Buizza, addetto scientifico dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Londra;
- Enrico Franceschini, La Repubblica;
- Sara Sozzani Maino, Creative Advisor Conde Nast Italia
- Brunello Rosa, amministratore delegato e responsabile della ricerca di Rosa & Roubini e presidente dell'Associazione TIUK;
- Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Presidente Emerito della Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Regno Unito, di TIUK
- Richard Gadeselli, co-founder TIUK e board member Commercio Italiana per il Regno Unito
- Lucia Savi, responsabile ad interim curatore e interpretazione del Design Museum.
Le persone di spicco riceveranno un riconoscimento nelle seguenti categorie:
- Finanza e servizi;
- Industria e commercio;
- Ricerca e innovazione;
- Media e Comunicazione;
- Arte e cultura.
Thanks to the continued success of previous editions, the Talented Italians in the UK Association, in partnership with the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK and in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in London, is delighted to announce the tenth edition of the "Talented Young Italians" Awards.
The primary objective of these awards is to spotlight individuals Under 40 years old who have achieved significant accomplishments in the United Kingdom while maintaining a strong connection with Italy, thereby fostering meaningful exchanges between the two nations.
The application process will be overseen by the Chamber of Commerce, with collaboration from Italian professional and academic associations in the UK, as well as active participation from the broader Italian community.
A distinguished committee of senior representatives, representing various award categories, will be responsible for selecting the recipients:
- Roberto Buizza, scientific attache’, Italian Embassy in London;
- Enrico Franceschini, La Repubblica;
- Sara Sozzani Maino, Creative Advisor Conde Nast Italia
- Brunello Rosa, CEO and Head of Research, Rosa & Roubini and President of Talented Italians in UK Association;
- Leonardo Simonelli Santi, President Emeritus of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for the UK and Talented Italians in UK Association
- Richard Gadeselli, co-founder TIUK e board member Italian Chamber of Commerce for the UK
- Lucia Savi, Interim Head of Curatorial and Interpretation at The Design Museum
Outstanding individuals will receive recognition in the following categories:
- Finance and Services;
- Industry and Commerce;
- Research and Innovation;
- Media and Communication;
- Arts and Culture.
Per essere ammessi a questo prestigioso premio, i candidati devono soddisfare i seguenti criteri:
- Avere meno di 40 anni (al 31 dicembre 2023);
- essere residenti nel Regno Unito
- ricoprire una posizione di significativa visibilità e responsabilità nel proprio settore di competenza nel Regno Unito;
- aver contribuito attivamente a rafforzare i legami tra il Regno Unito e l'Italia.
Le candidature sono ora chiuse
Per ulteriori informazioni e per candidarsi l'anno prossimo, contattare (
To be eligible for this prestigious award, candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Be under the age of 40 (as of December 31, 2023);
- Be a resident of the UK;
- Hold a position of significant visibility and responsibility within their field of expertise in the UK;
- Have actively contributed to strengthening the bonds between the UK and Italy.
Applications are now Closed
Please contact ( for further information and to apply as a candidate next year.
The ninth edition of the Talented Young Italians in the UK award.
The ceremony for the Talented Young Italians Award 2022, at its ninth edition, was held on Thursday 12th January 2023 hosted by the Italian Embassy in London. As for the most recent occasions of the Awards this edition was organised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce for the UK, and by the Talented Italians in the UK Association. The ceremony brought together the award winners of past editions and other prominent personalities of the Italian community in Great Britain.
The winners of the 2022 Talent Young Italians (TYI) Award edition are: Virginia Stagni for the category Media and Communication & Charity, Paolo Tripoli, Giovanna Viganò and Maria Paola Municchi for the category Finance and Services, Andrea Testa for the category Research and Innovation e Lucia Savi and Alessandra Vittiglio for the category Industry and Commerce. The judges of the selecting committee was composed of Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Brunello Rosa, Marco Niada, Roberto Buizza and Richard Gadeselli.
The winners distinguished themselves for the results obtained in their respective professional fields, in which they must have reached important positions before the age of 40, and must have contributed to maintaining and developing relations between Italy and the UK. On this occasion, the selecting committee chose to reward professionals who had already achieved relevant results at the age of 40 together with others, younger, but already extremely well underway in their professional career.
Giovedì 12 Gennaio 2023 si è tenuta la cerimonia di premiazione dei Talented Young Italians per l’anno 2022, giunta ormai alla sua nona edizione. Come nelle più recenti edizioni, anche questa è stata organizzata dalla Camera di Commercio Italiana in UK e dell’Associazione Talented Italians in the UK, che riunisce i vincitori del premio TYI delle passate edizioni insieme ad altre personalità di spicco della comunità italiana in Gran Bretagna.
I vincitori di quest’anno sono stati Virginia Stagni per la categoria Media and Communication & Charity, Paolo Tripoli, Giovanna Viganò and Maria Paola Municchi per la categoria Finanza e Servizi, Andrea Testa per la categoria Ricerca e Innovazione e Lucia Savi and Alessandra Vittiglio per la categoria Industria e Commercio. La giuria era composta da
Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Brunello Rosa, Marco Niada, Roberto Buizza e Richard Gadeselli.
I vincitori si sono distinti per i risultati ottenuti nei rispettivi ambiti professionali, in cui devono aver raggiunto posizioni di rilievo entro i 40 anni, ed aver contribuito a mantenere e sviluppare i rapporti tra Italia e UK. In questa occasione i giurati hanno scelto di premiare professionisti che avevano già ottenuto risultati rilevanti alla soglia dei 40 anni insieme ad altri, più giovani, ma già estremamente ben avviati nel loro percorso professionale.
Charity - Media & Communication 2022: Stagni Virginia
Finance & Services 2022: Municchi Maria Paola - Tripoli Paolo - Viganò Giovanna
Industry & Commerce 2022: Savi Lucia - Vittiglio Alessandra
Research & Innovation 2022: Testa Andrea
Charity 2021: Venosa Olga
Finance & Services 2021: Marcheggiano Gilberto - Stanelli Federica
Industry & Commerce 2021: Bonaceto Andrea - Brutti-Righetti Flavia
Media & Communication 2021: Andretta Martina
Research & Innovation 2021: Ciliberto Carlo - Petrone Crescenzo
Charity 2020: Corinaldi Giulia
Finance & Services 2020: Macchiarelli Corrado
Industry & Commerce 2020: Ghebreab Sennait
Research & Innovation 2020: Longobardi Giorgia
Finance & Services 2019: Boldini Marco - Vaccino Stefano
Industry & Commerce 2019: Boccolini Francesca - Federico Isabella - Ferrara Simone
Media & Communication 2019: Casiraghi Luca - Pirolo Alessia
Research & Innovation 2019: Bianchi Giuseppe - Taticchi Paolo
Finance & Services 2018: De Negri Antonio - Donati Stefano - Zingariello Mina
Industry & Commerce 2018: Beretta Federica - De Leonibus Aldo - Melchiorri Luca
Media & Communication 2018: Barbaglia Pamela - Nardelli Alberto
Research & Innovation 2018: Aversa Paolo - Endrizzi Marco - Sergi Anna
Finance & Services 2017: Paci Giovanni - Strumia Francesca
Industry & Commerce 2017: Coccia Ludmilla - Lazzaroni Ivan
Media & Communication 2017: Bonomolo Alessandra - Sciorilli Borrelli Silvia
Research & Innovation 2017: Leonelli Sabina - Micheli Pietro
Finance & Services 2016: Gallo Alberto - Martellozzo Elena
Industry & Commerce 2016: Cimminelli Simone - Mariotti Elena
Media & Communication 2016: Vanuzzo Antonio - Zappulla Antonio
Research & Innovation 2016: Crescenzi Riccardo - Rodriguez Y Baena Ferdinando
Finance & Services 2015: Copper Raffaella - Morbidini Marco
Industry & Commerce 2015: Altieri-Douglas Marenza - Zecchino Andrea
Media & Communication 2015: Laqua Francine - Marinone Paola
Research & Innovation 2015: Campanella Michelangelo - Severini Simone
Finance & Services 2014: Gatta Camillo - Rosa Brunello
Industry & Commerce 2014: Falcone Claudia - Rossetti Tiziana
Media & Communication 2014: Giuliano Ferdinando - Serra Barbara
Research & Innovation 2014: Ciulli Alessio - Summa Giacomo
The ceremony for the Talented Young Italians Award, at its eighth edition, was held in London on Thursday 18 November. As on the occasion of the award conferred in June 2021 (for the prizes relating to 2020, postponed because of the pandemic), this edition was organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce for the UK, on the occasion of its annual conference, and by the Talented Italians in the UK Association. The ceremony brought together the award winners of past editions and other prominent personalities of the Italian community in Great Britain.
The winners of this year are: Olga Venosa and Martina Andretta for the category Media and Communication & Charity, Gilberto Marcheggiano and Federica Stanelli for the category Finance and Services, Crescenzo Petrone e Carlo Ciliberto for the category Research and Innovation e Andrea Bonaceto and Flavia Brutti-Righetti for the category Industry and Commerce. Also in this occasion the judges of the selecting committee was composed of Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Brunello Rosa, Massimo Carnelos and Marco Niada.
The winners distinguished themselves for the results obtained in their respective professional fields, in which they must have reached important positions before the age of 40, and must have contributed to maintaining and developing relations between Italy and the UK. On this occasion, the selecting committee chose to reward professionals who had already achieved relevant results at the age of 40 together with others, younger, but already extremely well underway in their professional career.
Giovedi’ 18 Novembre si e’ tenuta la cerimonia di premiazione dei Talented Young Italians, giunta ormai alla sua ottava edizione. Come in occasione del premio conferito a giugno 2021 (per i premi relativi al 2020, posticipati a causa pandemia), questa edizione e’ stata organizzata dalla Camera di Commercio Italiana in UK, in occasione della sua conferenza annuale, e dell’Associazione Talented Italians in the UK, che riunisce i vincitori del premio delle passate edizioni insieme ad altre personalita’ di spicco della comunita’ italiana in Gran Bretagna.
I vincitori di quest’anno sono stati Olga Venosa e Martina Andretta per la categoria Media and Communication & Charity, Gilberto Marcheggiano e Federica Stanelli per la categoria Finanza e Servizi, Crescenzo Petrone e Carlo Ciliberto per la categoria Ricerca e Innovazione e Andrea Bonaceto e Flavia Brutti-Righetti per la categoria Industria e Commercio. Anche in questa occasione la giuria era composta da Leonardo Simonelli Santi, Brunello Rosa, Massimo Carnelos e Marco Niada.
I vincitori si sono distinti per i risultati ottenuti nei rispettivi ambiti professionali, in cui devono aver raggiunto posizioni di rilievo entro i 40 anni, ed aver contribuito a mantenere e sviluppare i rapporti tra Italia e UK. In questa occasione i giurati hanno scelto di premiare professionisti che avevano gia’ ottenuto risultati rilevanti alla soglia dei 40 anni insieme ad altri, piu’ giovani, ma gia’ estremamente ben avviati nel loro percorso professionale.
This year as well, thanks to the consolidated success of past editions, the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in London and with the patronage of H.E. Raffaele Trombetta, the Italian Ambassador, is pleased to announce the seventh edition of the “Talented Young Italians” Awards.
Due to the 2020 pandemic that slowed down the world we are pleased to have the next edition of the awards in 2021 giving the chance to reward talents who stood out during this peculiar time.
The aim of this award is to bring to public attention the individuals who have succeeded in their endeavours in the UK, at the same time keeping a link with Italy and fostering exchanges between the two countries.
The application process will be coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce with the aid of Italian professional and academic associations in the UK, and with the contribution of the Italian community at large. A committee of senior representatives, covering the different categories of awards, will choose the winners.
The most distinguished individuals will be awarded in each of the following categories:
– Finance and Services;
– Industry and Commerce;
– Research and Innovation;
– Media and Communication;
– Charity.
Requirements for the award are as follows:
• Under 40 years of age (by 31st December 2020)
• UK resident
• Holding a role of high visibility and responsibility in her/his field of activity in the UK
• Maintaining a connection with Italy
The judges will be:
– Massimo Carnelos, Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs, Italian Embassy in London as scientific attache’;
– Marco Niada, former journalist and expert in media and communication;
– Brunello Rosa, CEO and Head of Research, Rosa & Roubini and President of Talented Italians in UK Association;
– Leonardo Simonelli Santi, President Emeritus of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for the UK and Talented Italians in UK Association.
Applications must reach the Chamber of Commerce by 20th March 2021 and must include the candidate’s CV, complete with a reference letter (either in English or in Italian) written by an individual who must explain the reasons for their endorsement.
The award ceremony will be held in April (details to follow).
As always the winners will be part of the Talented Italians in the UK Association.
Please contact Carolina Sanfratello ( for further information and to apply as a candidate.
The “Talented Young Italians” Award acknowledges talented young Italians who excel in their careers working in the UK, and who are not only leaders but an example of leadership to other young people.
The award is an initiative of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK - in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in London and with the patronage of H.E. Raffaele Trombetta, the Italian Ambassador.
The aim of this award is to bring to public attention the individuals who have succeeded in their endeavour in the UK, keeping at the same time a link with Italy and encouraging exchanges between the two countries. Talented young Italians, who excel in their careers working in the UK, are not only leaders but an example to other young people, transmitting their enthusiasm, their knowledge and their skills to others.
The most distinguished individuals will be awarded in each of the following categories:
• Finance and Services;
• Industry and Commerce;
• Research and Innovation;
• Media and Communication.
Requisites for the award are:
• Under 40 years;
• UK resident;
• Holding a high visibility and responsible role in her/his field of activity in the UK;
• Having a track record of positive collaborations with Italy.
Scouting for valid candidates is conducted by the Chamber of Commerce with the aid of Italian professional and academic associations in the UK and with the contribution of the Italian community. Applications will be evaluated by a committee of senior representatives, covering the different categories of awards.